About the club
The first two Norwegian Forest Cats imported for breeding arrived in Iceland in 1996. Named Seven and Sessi, their coming marked the beginning of breeding the species in the country. Since then, breeders have done their best to publicise the breed at shows and elsewhere. To begin with, the owners of Norwegian Forest Cats in Iceland were too few to start a club, but as their numbers increased, so too did the level of interest in forming an organization.
On April 19, 2000, The Norwegian Forest Cat Club of Iceland (Skogarkattaklubbur Islands) was formally launched at a meeting attended by 13 members, while a number of others were unable to attend. That first meeting went well, and it was decided that the club will meet mostly on the Internet, through its homepage and by e-mail.

Seven Up av Oseberg

Garbriela av Oseberg (Sessi)

The main purpose of the The Norwegian Forest Cat Club of Iceland is to publicise the breed, meet and have fun. Despite its name, it is not conected to any breeding club .

Before the club was was formed, breeders publicised the breed at their own cost and without any help from the Icelandic Cat Breeding Club.
Articles were written to newspapers, and owners also produced their own information-sheets, which were distributed at shows, in pet-shops and anywhere else we could find interested people. We also held our own special NFO show, and produced a computer slideshow.

© Skógarkattaklúbbur Íslands